Financial advice can save you money. Talk to Endeavour Financial Planning today to discuss how your finances can be managed wisely.
Most people are not financial experts. When it comes to growing wealth, many stick to the conventional options of keeping some money in the bank, some in a savings account, and perhaps an ISA for long term growth. You may also have insurance to protect yourself financially from unforeseen events. This strategy will keep your money safe but will rarely enable it to grow at a moderate rate. It is not usually a way to significantly increase your wealth.
A financial adviser is able look at your whole finances then create a financial plan to manage your money.
Two types of advisers
There are two main types of financial advisers: independent and restricted. Restricted advisers, as the name indicates, offer a restricted number of products and/or providers. An independent financial adviser has no restrictions and will have access to a wide range of products and providers. Endeavour Financial Planning are independent financial advisers operating in the Wirral area.
Areas of advice
An independent financial adviser will look at the whole of your assets and liabilities, your personal circumstance, goals, attitude to risk, and will create a plan for the best way to invest your funds, whether that be a lump sum or regular amounts.
You will need advice about your short, medium and long term financial goals. You will need advice on the best way to invest your money. A financial adviser will discuss the best options to grow your money taking into account the level of risk that you are willing to undertake.
If you own or wish to own property then advice is needed on your mortgage options. If you already hold a mortgage then re-mortgaging may be advisable either to release equity tied up in your house, or to save money by switching to a cheaper rate mortgage.
Long term advice will include pension savings for retirement. If you are already retired or nearing retirement then a financial adviser will help you choose the best way forward for you.
First step
The first step for people living in the Wirral area is to arrange a meeting with Endeavour Financial Planning. You will not be charged for this initial advice from one of our independent financial advisers.
Investments – The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all your original investment.