Independent financial advisors provide financial advice on investment options, insurance, pensions, and estate planning. To discuss your finances, contact Endeavour Financial Planning for sound and impartial financial advice.
Wealth in the Wirral
Unless you are lucky enough to inherit wealth, you will first need to create wealth, before looking at how to manage and invest it.
If you are in business in the Wirral area, there is plenty of help available to make your company successful. Wirral Chamber of Commerce, The Johnson Foundation and Wirral Council have formed Wirral Enterprise Hub, which supports, mentors and provides business advice for the area’s entrepreneurs. The Enterprise Hub works with both startups and established businesses to help them create wealth.
How does financial advice work?
Financial advice starts with a lengthy discussion in which the advisor will get to know you in order to assess your financial requirements. Ideally, your relationship with your financial advisor will become a long term one because financial management can be a lifetime process.
A financial advisor will consider your short, medium and long-term financial goals. These will include how to invest wisely to create a steady income.
Even if you are young and far from retiring, you will need to plan for retirement. Your advisor will help you choose your pension saving options so that a financially comfortable retirement can be achieved.
An independent financial advisor will also help you decide what happens after you die, so that your estate is left to your loved ones.
Taxing decisions
Few people understand the complexities of the tax system. Independent financial advisors can help you avoid paying more tax than is necessary, and it may be appropriate to set up a family trust that can benefit your family and minimise inheritance tax.
Some investments involve an element of risk, particularly if buying shares on the stock market. A financial advisor will show you how to spread investment risks so that if one investment does not perform well, it will not have a major effect on your overall wealth.
Life does not always go smoothly. An advisor will discuss your insurance options and how insurance can protect you from life’s unforeseen events that can affect your finances.
At Endeavour Financial Planning, we offer independent financial advice for Wirral individuals and businesses. Talk to one of our friendly expert advisors today about how Endeavour can help plan your finances. We do not charge for the initial meeting where we find out whether we can work together.
Investments – The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all your original investment
Estate Planning, Taxation and Trusts advice are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.