Independent Financial Advice (IFA) can help protect and grow your finances. Without advice, you could find that you make poor decisions about (more…)
How a financial advisor can help you beat inflation
If your money is sitting in your current account, this means that every day it is losing value because of inflation. A financial advisor can (more…)
Why family asset protection is important
If you are concerned about how your financial assets will be passed on to your loved ones after your death, family asset protection can make sure that the process goes smoothly.
According to (more…)
Who needs a wealth management advisor?
Many people think that they need to be very wealthy to benefit from a wealth management advisor, but the truth is that both the (more…)
What you can expect from a pensions advisor?
No matter how young you are, it’s never too early to start saving for a pension. With a variety of saving options available, a pensions advisor can (more…)
Easing the complications with investment advice
Many people in Wirral are prosperous because of the strong local economy, and are therefore ideally positioned to benefit from (more…)
How a financial advisor can save you money
Many people are put off going to a financial advisor because of the cost, but this is a false economy as an advisor can save you a lot more money than their advice costs.
Wirral business success
The Wirral region is a great place for business, and this is celebrated every year by the Wirral Business Awards. New and established business of all sizes are recognised, and the 2017 winners came from several business sectors, including tech companies, waste management services, food companies and consultants. The success of the winners and other expanding Wirral businesses has resulted in good financial returns to business owners and high salaries for employees that have made vital contributions to business growth.
Whatever your level of wealth, you can benefit from speaking to a Wirral financial advisor. The cost of advice can be offset by the extra wealth that can be achieved by following the plan a financial advisor creates.
What does a financial advisor do?
The first thing that a financial advisor does is ask you detailed questions about your financial situation. He or she will also ask you about your attitude to risk. This is so that the advisor can recommend financial products that are in line with the amount of risk you are prepared to take with your investments.
You will also be questioned about your short-term and long-term financial goals. You may be more interested in short-term income, or want to leave your money invested so that your capital accumulates.
The skill of the financial advisor is to match your financial goals and your risk attitude to the best financial products that will both protect and grow your wealth.
There are so many financial products available, it is difficult to know which are best for you without expert financial advice. If you try and work a plan out yourself, you could buy an unsuitable financial product that could grow your money at a less than ideal rate. Any income from investments could be less than you need, whereas the cost of financial advice can be more than paid for through maximising your wealth growth.
Your wealth plan
A financial advisor will create a wealth plan, which will include savings and investments to grow your money. To protect your wealth, insurance should be part of the plan.
Long-term financial planning will include saving for a pension income on retirement. If you own property and other valuable assets, estate management will ensure that passing on your wealth to your dependents after you die is made as smooth as possible.
If you are a high-rate tax payer, a wealth management plan will look at the various ways you can save tax so that you do not end up paying more than you should.
Discover more
Most people will benefit from professional financial advice. To discover more, book a free talk with an advisor at Endeavour Financial Planning, your local Wirral financial planning experts.
The five steps of financial planning
Financial planning is the process of making decisions about your money, and there are five steps to financial planning with which a financial planning advisor can help you.
The generous nature of (more…)
How estate management can protect Chester families’ wealth
Estate management aims to make the process of passing on your wealth and assets as smooth as possible after you die.
Many young professionals are (more…)
What is asset protection?
Asset protection is a type of wealth planning that protects assets from creditor claims. Most individual asset protection strategies are targeted at protecting what is usually a person’s most valuable asset – their home – although it (more…)