Millennials concerned about ethical investments
A recent YouGov poll found that 13% of people aged between 18 and 34 (often known as millennials) wanted their money invested ethically. This contrasts with older people aged between 45 and 54, with only 6% of them being concerned about ethical investing.
According to the poll’s findings, 44% of young people believe that firms that trade ethically can help society change in a positive way. This compares to 34% of investors as a whole who believe this.
Although many young people do not invest in stocks and shares, most will have been auto enrolled in workplace pensions schemes that do invest in the stock market. If a young person believes that their workplace pension scheme invests in unethical companies, they can opt out of the scheme.
Young people’s concerns are supported by Charlene Cranny of the UK Sustainable Investment and Financial Association, who said:
“We would urge working millennials who will all be enrolled in a workplace pension over the course of the next few months to start seriously thinking about and questioning where their pensions are being invested.”
There is no fixed definition of unethical trading. It can mean firms operating in the tobacco, alms, alcohol or oil sectors. Some define ethical trading as socially responsible trading, but not necessarily classed by particular business sectors.
Before making investment strategy decisions, people concerned about ethical issues should seek independent financial advice from an advisor familiar with ethical investments, who can create a wealth plan based on their philosophy.
Investments – The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all your original investment
Auto Enrolment advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.